
I haven't spoken to anyone that supports Trump so I don't know what to expect. Am I walking into a minefield? I am assuming yes, but I won't underestimate off the bat so I will bite on 'why Trump is like Hitler.'

Hitler made all kinds of promises to people who were being dismissed as unimportant and irrelevant. Their government refused to address the situation and were essentially neglecting them, and Hitler promised to change everything that was wrong. Trump is making promises he can't keep, such as forcing Mexico to pay for the wall, to send back all illegal immigrants, fucking up relations with China without any kind of fallout. Hitler hated Jewish people, but didn't make it a big deal in his campaign - Trump has already expressed his dislike for the Muslim community as a whole, he is poorly informed on the population in the Middle East but groups them all together. Looking at the states in here, I'm kind of expecting this last concept is something that's accepted, that all Muslims are the same, but I'm just explaining how these opinions are comparable to the general public that sees not all Muslims believe America is evil.

He's also been encouraging his supporters to punch protesters on multiple occasions and promised he would pay the legal fees, but yet he refuses to admit he said anything of the sort and the guy who did punch a protestor is out on his own without Trump's legal fee help.

He is dangerous because he's making promises to people who are pissed off and sick of being fucked by the system. The desperation people are feeling from being neglected and lied to for so long is equivalent to the desperation of those who voted for Hitler in Germany. They were being directly effected by the government's poor choices and Hitler promised to make everything better, I believe people who support Trump are relying on him to fix everything they see wrong with the current system. Probably because it's plainly obvious he isn't 'one of them.' Do you guys? Why are you voting for him? He's already starting to lie and go back on his words, do you think he won't do that later even thought he's doing it presently and probably will continue to do so?

I'm also posting to learn why people are voting for him, not to simply be heard.

Is it a mistake? Posting in here? I hope not, but here we go!...

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent Link - imgur.com