JW flexing

which is silly because flusha was definitely the most important player in the world for awhile.

not the flashiest player ever, but he was the backbone in fnatic. he would always do what was expected and a bit more, there was no consistency to worry about, he relied entirely on gamesense over aim and he had a massive impact on the outcome of games by constantly playing textbook cstrike.

he would get the kills that decided rounds, he would be where he needed to be when he needed to be there, dude was a fucking low key beast for awhile there.

i think hltv #1 has same issue as ballon d'or, only strikers can win ballon d'or and only madfraggers can win hltv #1. there are without a doubt midfielders or goalies who will have a bigger impact on the game than the striker, even if the striker was the one to score, but the price is just set up in a way that only strikers win it.

hltv #1 is for flashy fraggers, thats one role in cstrike and theres many others.

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