könnte jemand meine Aussprache korrigieren ?

It is a whole lot better! Amazing!

Your "u" sounds so much better now. But remember to round your lips properly. Your "bunte Blumenbeet" sounded great, but your "wunderlich" sounded a bit off but not much!

Two major things though.

  1. This went above my head completely in the first recording:
    In Standard German (of Germany) you do not pronounce post-vocalic Rs
    1. Wirr is pronounced more like "wia" but with a short "i"
    2. Orgel is pronounced more like "Oagel".
    3. Fern is pronounced more like "Fean"
    4. I think you get what I mean
  2. You don't seem to do short "i" at all. A short "i" in German are somewhat like the "i" in "bit".
    1. Wirr and irre are both pronounced with a short "i", as signified by the double consonant "r".

Aside from that you're solid.

Just some little things:

  • You corrected your "a" in "tanzen" but now you made the "z" into a voiced s, instead of a "ts", funnily enough you do pronounce "z" correctly at every other point in the poem.
  • "Atem" has a long "a" not a short one.

And that's actually it. You're really good!

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