Kaja Kallas: We have over 300 billion euros in frozen Russian assets - let's use it to help Ukraine

The US and EU shouldn't be subsidizing food all over the world. I know this will sound terrible but something like food subsidizies should be a shprt term stop gap (in response to a tsunami, or esrthquake, etc) not the endless ongoing subsidies like we have now in some areas. And the reason is playing out right now thanks to covid and war. Those places become completely dependent on those food imports and when they stop even more people die. If a country can't supply food for its own population then it has too much population. By providing endless subsidized food they become dependent on that food and there is no population pressure to reduce population (ie, move away, have less children, etc). So we have places where people can't even feed themselves and yet are still producing huge (6-8-10+) sized families.

In addition, the subsidies end up harming domestic agriculture in those regions. So its a double wammy of less domestic production and higher demand due to increased population.

Its not an easy problem to fix, but its clear that endlessly subsidizing food will eventually fail. The question is, how far out of wack will the population versus supply get before that eventually happens?

And im not even touching on how often those subsidies are just flat stolen by corrupt warlords or government officials and used as a weapon against the very people they were intended to help.

I'm honestly pretty pessimistic about the worlds ability to deal with that issue from a long term perspective. Most likely we will just keep doing what we've been doing and eventually agricultural yield won't keep up (or will drop due to some global event) or population will exceed the available subsidies and then it will disappear suddenly. In fact the war and knock on effects from covid and china's zero covid craziness might already push it past that tipping point this winter.

Its always the least of us who pay first, and pay the most when things go downhill.

/r/ukraine Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it