Kamala Harris Supports ICE! Says Immigrants Murder & Rape

Ive seen a few comments from users Ive come to know as regulars here. That are not just in support of these wretched actions being done. But are genuinely defending them and proclaiming anyone calling them out as bullies.


Yep, bullies.

If these sort truly believe Bernie aligns with them. Than to me, Bernie is a lost cause and not someone I will ever support again.

I believe there is a far better method by something like a trade deal. That would have rights, freedoms, guidelines, penalties, and restrictions. That would be restricted to just those involved and in agreement of said trade deal.

Which would entail:

Open boarders. People should be allowed to go anywhere in the trade deal freely without any hassle.

Every country be given the same education for all levels and training for any and all industries and positions.

The same securities and essentials, with regulations to enforce not just given to everyone but kept up to date as well. Not just basics such as food, clean water, housing, healthcare, dental and education but updated infrastructures for things like transportation and the internet.

The price for everything in all involved countries should be the same, equal. The price can go up but the wages also must go up as well.

Having the exact same laws. For everything including taxes.

No one would be allowed to do business outside of those not in the agreement.

Wages should be double to those not a citizen

Citizens should always be first to hire over non citizens

Citizenship requirments or living in another country you arent a citizen of. Should be the same for all countries. At the very least you must know the dominant language of the country you are residing in.

Do a complete change of the sex offender registry to get out those who are clearly non repeat offenders. And never was a danger to others, all off the list. Along with cutting out charges from those who clearly arent sex offenders such as streaking and the like. Make it to more broad to include abuse. Just as sex offenders are prevented from working and living in certain areas. Those with an abuse towards others should be banned from any authoritarian job above anyone and anything. All on this registry would be banned from buying, carrying, owning and selling any gun.

This is far more humane and incredibly beneficial for everyone. There would be no illegals. This way everyone would be easier to keep track of. No one would be extorted to undermine anyone else. No jobs would be allowed to not follow the trade deal agreements. Breaking the trade agreement should have the penalty of losing your business. Along with the penalty of being placed on the registry because conducting business against the agreement is a form of abuse.

ICE, TSA, DEA, CIA, and many other similiar government problems should be abolished. They don't benefit us. They just make things worse or exist to just suck up money and do nothing to earn it.

/r/WayOfTheBern Thread Link - youtube.com