Kansas shows us what could happen if Republicans win in 2016


Wait, you think I literally believe dollars collected in SC flow through DC and into rich Californians who deduct their high state income tax and fancy ass mcMansion deductions?

lol wtf

what crying about taxes? i'm CLEARLY talking about the distribution of funds, not taxation. i'm talking about republican states NEEDING democratic tax money to stay afloat.

lol, its like you think thats what federal spending means. The government is just a computer redirecting tax funds in some zero sum game. That it isn't army bases, or grants as part of coercion for state medicaid funding, or any of the billion other things that the federal government wastes money on. If California is doing so great, why does it need the $240B in federal spending to begin with?

what social rot are you talking about?

Have you not seen pictures of Detroit or heard about whats going in Baltimore?

teen pregnancies? republican states have way more. STD's? again, republican states.

And the rest:

Perpetually poor blacks and Hispanics. Thanks War on Poverty! 60 years of liberal federal policies have clearly failed them.

porn consumption per capita. republican again (well, Mormon's and other conservative christians really... but they go hand in hand.)

What a moralizing liberal you are. Nothing worse than the Puritanical Progressivism of modern liberals.

as for inequality, the deep south generally has the rest of the country beat on that count.



the red states are basically the Greece of the US. the majority of them need just as much money each year as Greece has gotten from the EU. that's how failed they are. they are Greece level economic failures.

See above.

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