Kanye thinks slavery was a choice

Self absorbed whores getting a pass on calling slavery a choice by dipshits at Reddit who pretend they're his PR spokesperson is beyond fucking insulting to all intelligence. If Kayne had the multiple paragraph justification you lofted, he's an adult ex millionaire with plenty of time to sculpt that oration- he didn't. He once again rambled fucking nonsense and you're pretending with your shallow ego, that you understand some unspoken brilliance he failed to expand on , at TMZ of a fucking cunt douchnozzle whore dens!

Listen to yourself you fucking retarded idiot, you're putting words in a failed rap artist dipshits mouth while he's PR working dipshits for cash at fucking TMZ, a whore den of shallow narcissism, how fucking dense or self absorbed are you?!?

Rhetorical. Enjoy your short lived ego parade playing Kayne white knight at Reddit, you transparent tool and fool.

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