Karen accidentally made sense.

You wouldn't pay $100 for a loaf of bread. You would recognize the costs, labor, and overhead and still rationally conclude it's impossible to accept this loaf of bread.

Unfortunately, now you're starving due to circumstances some in your control and some out of your control. You now have to support the purchase of a loaf a bread every week. You don't, you will die. You do, you will have nothing left to your name. Now you are surviving for bread just to die from starvation just the same...after all your immediate health is dependent on your ability to keep paying outrageous prices for bread.

You ride this wave for as long as you can or until you literally cannot afford a loaf of bread.

I want to believe we want people to have more purpose than this. I want to believe that we are responsible for us all. I want to believe that we know we cannot change everything but we must refuse to change nothing.

You can be an asset to yourself and others. It doesn't have to be at the costs of your livelihood. Living for that loaf of bread is crazy. We are crazy.

/r/FuckYouKaren Thread Link - i.redd.it