Karen refused entry for wearing mesh mask at Lush is mad.


I'm female, in the age group, I'm white and live in suburban hell. That's as far as the similarities go. I'm not fat, I'm a science and logic fan, divorced, atheist. I drink champagne, not sugar water and I never ruin an employee's day due to my entitlement. I'm trying fiercely to work against the middle-aged hausfrau stereotype but these women are making it extremely difficult.

A couple of things you have to remember, very few of them have ever stepped foot outside America and if they have, it would be to an all-inclusive resort. Most think of traveling as visiting family in another city.

They live incredibly spoiled, insular lives where the worst thing that happens is they lose their keys or their kid's team didn't score. They are uppity, demanding, attention seeking, self righteous assholes and have always been this way.

The prevalence of video and anti-maskers has really brought these women to light.

If it wasn't masks, it would be something else.

I see it constantly.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it