"Karl Marx . . . operated under the pretense that all hierarchy is created through capitalism"

Communism is predicated on Marxist theology. There are other conceptualisations of the means to establish communism, and other communist theologians, but denying that communism is seperate from Marxian ideology is disengenuos.

I was tackling communism from a sociological viewpoint, not an economic one, I would be happy to argue economic and market viability as well in the morning haha (implying objective value of goods based on labour hehe)

The things you mention as "unnatural" are not quite in mind when I stated communism is unnatural. Representative democracies, states, and computers are human inventions that are designed to facilitate the way we already interact with each other. Tribes (states) are natural. Think flocks of birds in formation. Of course birds don't sit and vote on how a formation is made, and the responsibility of each bird, but they are programmed to know it is biologically advantagious for the group to flock together. They know that the most efficiant way to travel is not by traveling solo, but by traveling in a group. This both gives them an advantage if the group is attacked, but also more efficiant flight because of the way they cycle their V formation and use aerodynamics. This is the beginning of groups and tribalism. States are extensions of this general principal scaled 100000x. Representative democracies exist for a similar reason. Birds are biologically able to find the correct path to take, but as humans in complex society, we dont all have the same ability. We do however have the programming that tells us we are safer as a group, and even if the group makes a decision that is not neccissarily what we want, it is safer to remain with it. This is the way Democracy, and by neccisty in efficiency, Representative Democracy works. Computers are just extensions to communication. Even though they are a human invention, they where created to fullfill the existing natural need of tribal communication.

Communism, on the other hand, is not a natural extension of human interaction by any stretch of the imagination, for the reasons I outlined in the rant you linked to. TL;DR, heirarchy is an important component to society and communism removes such hierarchy.

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