Kate Quigley takes full responsibility for this amazing tip

Well, your post is delusional if you think people don't do dumb shit because celebrities say shit. It happens all the time, and I already gave a perfect example with that ghost riding the whip incident I mentioned. Most people are dumber than a bag of hammers and they're lonely and want attention to boot. If some celebrity says doing something is cool, chances are quite high some dumb, attention seeking peon somewhere will do it and post it on Instagram for likes.

Free speech doesn't come without cost. You have to consider the consequences of your actions, and when your platform reaches millions, you have to consider that not all of those people can detect sarcasm or flippant remarks for the sake of flippant remarks.

This is barely even a joke, let alone a particularly funny joke. What are people really upvoting here? Someone attempting to appear "cool" by doing something illegal and potentially harmful? In what way is that funny, or even anything more than just outright selfish buffoonery?

I seriously don't understand why we just don't give a shit anymore. It's not even so much this particular post (although it really is irresponsible), so much as its this prevailing notion that idiocy not only deserves equal time, but protection, in the eyes of some. Shit, I've heard academics, particularly reddit atheist hero Richard Dawkins defending hate speech, saying it deserves more protection than the voices of the marginalized. Free speech is awesome, but hate speech, and it's fraternal twin, dangerously idiotic speech doesn't deserve protection.

/r/ShittyLifeProTips Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it