KateVsTheWorld: "Its funny, everyone works 40+ hours a week but its our down time that gets labelled the 'unhealthy addiction'."

Ask any athlete and they would probably tell you that their sport is an addiction. You get guys who wake up at 7am go for a run get to the ballpark, start warmups, do some jogs, hit some balls off a tee, jog some more, hit the weight room, watch some video of the previous few games and previous pitchers they faced, then a break for a bite to eat, then more running, weight lifting and hitting, then you get showered and dressed for the official batting and fielding practices then you're out there on the field for the pre game festivities, then you do more warmups and workouts while the game starts then three hours of game time then showers and watching more video of the game which just happened and then off to the hotel where they do whatever the fuck and are in bed probably after midnight. For 162 days a year.

How is that not an addiction? Who in the fuck wants to do that everyday? And yet do we tell our aspiring kids to do this when they want to be Mike Trout one day? Hell no!!

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