KATRINA album 3- the crimes at Hospitals/Hospices

I traveled with my then-gf through region where we knew that if our van broke down we would probably not be rescued in time. (we visited https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vozrozhdeniya_Island) its incredibly remote and the next hospital was a few hundred miles away. also we were illegaly crossing into Uzbekihstan which would have made rescue even more hard.

adding to all that its also contaminated with deadly viruses. we came to the conclusion that for the (unlikely) situation that one of us fell seriously ill the other should leave the ill one behind with a lethal dose of sleeping pills to avoid the extremely high risk of infection that would come with transporting the ill one to the next hospital. sometimes you have to be selfish, heroism like in movies helps no one in such situations.

/r/Jessicamshannon Thread Parent Link - imgur.com