They have to keep Covid19 alive.

I've been going nuts over this mask thing. I started sewing them for dontation in march, along with some other sewists... a few got harrased to the point of deleting their socials over it because people claimed it was "profiting off peoples fears" (again, these were masks we were all giving away for free, but accepting small donations for supplies) a dr i know called me and we had a huge long talk over masks, which ended with me deciding to no longer make them. The drs points against masks were- they are barely effective when used correctly and health care professionals are trained thoroughly on how to wear them. They create a fasle sence of security, leading people to stop social distancing or think if they wear one when sick theyre fine to go out. Theres no consistency in the make, the fabrics used, and the fit of the mask. It needs to be washed BEFORE EVERY SINGLE use. A clean use ends when you touch the face of the mask with unwashed hands. And so on.... then a month later everyone with a sewing machine is selling masks for a profit. Tam (canadian) flipflops and tells everyone to wear one. The dr i know? Also flipfloped. Ordered 5 masks from me. I feel like im taking crazy pills. (note i am not talking about proper PPE or n95 masks, i mean the fabric and disposable ones)

/r/conspiracy Thread