I keep getting the urge to create a new account and start all over again. I could use some advice if you'd spare me your time.

All i wondered was what options i had available to me, and maybe some input and opinions on what other people think. I want to seperate myself from who i was to who i am now and it was a very simple suggestion that me and my CBT therapist talked about. We have discussed about how video games relieve me from the anxity i can get from not peforming tasks that would only end up providing temporary relief from doing. As with why i wanted to look for more info this, is because i thought it could help. I thought removing all the mental stress that leaving incomplete tasks can cause, not because of what my gamerscore is, nor because of how many games i didnt play, but because it has potential to be just another step towards making progress. Its not about having a clean record, its about alleviating the trouble it can cause for me. Just having that one compulsion removed could actually work wonders, i just wanted to know what options i had and what people thought. I have absolutely no issue with you, you are completely free to say what you want and think what you want about me. I should be the one appologising as i brought my troubles upon you.

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