I keep tabs on a beautiful girl who I have never spoke to

Okay, I'm going to say- I absolutely understand what you are doing. And why you are doing it. I've been there! (Maybe not to the same extent, but I get it!)

I'm just trying to say- to help out a fellow guy- this is an absolutely horrible idea. Memorizing facts about a girl, when she did not convey those facts to you, has a zero percent chance of success.

Seriously, if flash cards could get us a girl, we'd all be doing it. I'd know her favorite type of popcorn- and I'd make it, in her favorite bowl- and she would reject my ass in a second.

Remembering things about a girl is more about sharing the time with them and remembering those times- not the facts like on Wikipedia.

I don't know, maybe you do have a lot of luck with the ladies. I might be overstating my experience, but I have never been at a loss for a female companion. (because I try my ass off and I've tried crappy plans, as well as good)

So take this based on your own success- but I'm just saying this is really not the way to go about having good rapport with this fine young lady.

It's fun. It's great fantasy- it's just the exact opposite of what you want to do in the real world.

How has your previous experience been with women? I'm curious, not looking to judge. But from my experience, you will have 1,000 times better luck just walking up and saying, "Hi" and not knowing a damn thing about her.

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