You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Okay, so you don't understand the realities of how things work and are scared of change?

That block of text doesn't have a single basis for your rationale; it's all just you explaining that you've decided things don't work, and in fact can't work, despite evidence it does in other places and the fact that the US spends more in public funds on healthcare per capita than many countries with universal healthcare coverage that's highly ranked on the global scale?

Like, do you get that Canada has a less dense population, an economy the size of California, and we are still able to manage these things and we have medical breakthroughs that largely outpace expectations based on our population? We don't use witchcraft; we just don't let corporations scare us into thinking nothing but the crazy shit in the US could possibly keep people alive.

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