Keeping your maiden name, thoughts?

I don't understand why a guy wanting us to share the same last name, be it outdated or not, is a "bad aspect" to him or something to "excuse." You have to remember, men (especially in certain cultures, my husband is Polish with Catholic parents) grow up in households where the wife taking the husband's last name is simply what happens. It's not a control thing, and him wanting me to have his last name doesn't make him entitled. I want certain things in our marriage that he doesn't want, so we open a dialogue. We opened a dialogue about the last name thing, and in the end, if I had said "Absolutely not" he would have respected my decision. It was within my right to say hey, having his last name isn't the end of the world and is something I as a woman fully have the right to decide to do if that is my want just as any woman has the right to refuse should they want. I apologize if I'm coming off hostile, but I don't think it's fair to label him "entitled" for him wanting me to have his last name, or making it out to be a "bad thing" and "not okay". The point is that every relationship, every marriage, is circumstantial and varies between two individuals. He's been a loving and caring partner for the last 10 years who is more for female rights than any other man I know. In the end, it's not the name that defines your relationship, it's your love for each other.

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