Keith Cunningham - FI Criticism

why not start doing some of that something else today?

I need money to live. I'd love to be on disability.

Why not fall in love with what you are doing and retire into your job or company

I love not working.

I realize I'm on the extreme end but I despise most people. I hate the corporate environment. The rat race. Fake ass friendly people. I can barely even shop for groceries. Hi. How's it going? Did you find everything ok? Is plastic ok?

The whole interaction makes me want to vomit.

and give yourself to it 100% and see what it gives back to you.

Well in my father's case they fired his at 60 when got cancer. Fuck you fucking fucks. My company just laid off a bunch of people also. Most were in their 50s or 60s. The 60 year old isn't going to work again.

I'm more interested at this point at what happens if 15% of your population starts trying to grenade the system. You Trump got elected because people are happy? The material wealth has not to do with it. Arguably we are living in the best times. But I have near zero control on stuff. People are so specialized now if you get fired it isn't like you pack up and land a new job. If I get laid off I'll never work again in the field if ever. No job. No healthcare.

I'm just done with it. People aren't made to sit in offices all day and spend 16 to 20 years in school.

/r/financialindependence Thread