Kerala Man Enters House Asking for Water, Rapes Minor Girl Inside

it is called trigger and it is unhealthy when it comes to what u think most of the time.

most guys dont want or cannot convert fantasy to actuality, when they do they take wrong signals and end up raping or assault.

all these increase in minors being assaulted and increase in voyeurs and jackies are due to the fact some guys have this in their mind most of time and porn just increases the intensity and disappointment( feeling they cannot score girls and do whatever they see in videos).

on a spiritual level you can say your action are stemming from your thoughts.

i been in some whatsapp groups and even after 100s of videos in a day some guys asks for more, and i know they became sexual deviants due to the exposure to porn, the next factor is if they will act on their instincts or not.

i know you dont agree but porn increases certain hormones and makes you a different person, read research done in the source i send. it is not healthy!!!

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