Keycap set for pre-built 60%'s and a question about finding keycaps that will fit some specific layouts

Up to $100, but shipping included, which is the threshold for importing without additional taxes.

I'm looking at Tai-Hao keycaps and there is a good variety, liking it. Checked the Hennessy ones but they're white with black legends, right? I was looking for black with white legends, but they do look really good.

I really like this one: especially for the font. I would have to get different sets to get it all black but it would still be under that budget.

I'll check more but I like the Tai-Hao options, especially since they have a lot of full-size kits, only worried about Right Shifts that seem to vary a lot in size, not that much in the pre-built ones tho. :)

Thank you a lot!

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