This keypad randomizes the numbers every time so someone doesn’t figure out the password from The hand movements

You and the 50 people who upvoted this are genuinely the slowest people I've seen in my life.

Let's say there's a 4 digit code. Let's say his 4 digit code is the middle row from top to bot: 4702

He puts it in and it randomizes the numbers on it. Now the middle row is, from top to bottom, 8201.

Now the thief with thermal detection comes. He sees that the entire middle row is heated and somehow he can see the order was from top to bottom. But the buttons are randomized and it would mean the code would be 8201, which is obviously not true.

So in what f*cking world would it take this thief UP TO just 10 tries, when it's a fucking 1/10000 chance for him to get the code right.

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