[KG Area 21] "Looks round to me..."

First off, there is nothing wrong with accepting a wide scientific consensus on things.

Secondly, when I say that I can observe these things, I mean that I work in a lab and observe these things. It's science. It is not a belief. Here are some ways that we detect exoplanets. Some of these also reveal orbits. One such method is transit photometry. When an exoplanet travels in front of its star, we can see that star's light dim, ever so slightly. This happens periodically (regularly in consistent intervals). This is the photometery of Kepler 6b. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_detecting_exoplanets#/media/File:Kepler_6b.png

This is what bothers me about flat-earthers and people who peddle similarly asinine ideas. In order to make their ideas work, they have to scrap more and more knowledge as their internal inconsistencies begin to reveal themselves. If you want to disregard these results, you have to disregard knowledge about gravity, about light, about pretty much anything we know about science.

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