a kid... its a kid.

You don’t fool anyone with a brain when you try to conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. You could’ve just said “go ahead, hate Israel,” but you made a choice to add “the Jews” so that people would be averse to taking that stance. The fact is those are two completely separate stances and the vast majority who hate on Israel never gave a flying fuck about your religious identity. It doesn’t matter to us. Does mine matter to you?

And no, your people haven’t been there for thousands of years. The US and UK promised it to your elders while other people were already living there not 80 years ago. The Vikings occupied parts of North America for a time long before everyone else went over. Does that mean anyone with Scandinavian blood has a claim to Canadian and US land over those of us who occupy it now? Obviously not. But sure, buddy, keep pushing the narrative.

I’ll tell you this much: the world is going to be a different place when the generation of people who aren’t historically and technologically literate die off and are replaced by people who have been tuned in since grade school. You’ll fool less and less people with lines like this each year.

/r/ThatsInsane Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it