Kidnapping of a woman protestor in Iran by plain clothes forces of police.

Try that shit once here and all hell will break loose

Which is 100x worse because then that would give an authoritarian regime the justification needed to bring in the drones and military and the police, and wipe out the "rebels" pretty easily. Even if you go into hiding and resort to guerilla warfare you wouldn't stand a chance.

2nd Amendment does not work today for the reasons it originally was written. You just like guns and that's pretty much the extent of it. Anything else is disingenuous nonsense.

The rest of the developed world doesn't need armed citizens to maintain democracy either. How comes we can do it fine in the UK, Germany, France, Japan, etc, yet you guys feel you need guns? It's just not worth giving the average citizen access to guns given the percentage of psychos and morons in the general population, based on this false idea that it's preventing totalitarian regimes from getting power.

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