Kids have cut the binge drinking - and we don't really know why

It’s definitely got a lot lot better, when I started it was 350 a gram and you could get like high 70% into the 80s, i had 95%+ in Europe and it’s a different story. You sleep straight away after the night done.

I did a 5 day festival in Belgium called dour, and day 5 I’m have 0.1 at 5 pm and it rocked me like it was day 1 haha

Never had that quality in New Zealand but like I said I’ve been outta the loop for 3 years as I’m in the UK

BTW I was paying £3 for a 2.5mg pressed pill in Dutch and German clubs. The clubs sell their own stuff and employ people to do so cleanest shit on the market

Was cheaper to buy a pill for two than a bottle of water

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