Kids nowadays man

That's a factor obviously, but I've seen posts of what I'd call similar quality being called out and there is an odd "hive mind" thing that can go 2 different ways at times depending on the mood someone's in regarding the value (or lack thereof) of calling out a repost. Calling out reposts is either a jerk act or a service calling out b.s. and it's wild how I'll see that either upvoted a lot or the opposite. If I see that 50/50 then you'd think that "50/50" trend would hold to most posts and the votes would balance out. They don't. It's hive mind fickle sheep following a given vote or instinct to assume if a couple people downvoted it "yeah, that guy is a jerk, let's hang 'em". It's one reason I think I'm smarter than other people tbh. r/Iamverysmart

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