Want to kill myself because of how ugly I am

I can’t post on your off my chest post for some reason but that chicken fillet butt thing was fucking hilarious. Don’t assume you’re unfuckable just because you haven’t been asked out. So many guys in your life have probably fantasized in some way about you. Also some guys are stupid like me. It took me until I was like 24 to realize most women actually expect to be asked out lmao.

Go to the gym and squat. It doesn’t take long for a girl to get a decent body at the gym so long as you’re not overweight. Then you’ll definitely be fuckable but that has its own list of issues. Being ugly sucks. Being attractive sucks. People suck. Even when you’re attractive you think you’re ugly.

Also even though you probably don’t value yourself, don’t go out with some dumb fuck idiot piece of shit just because he gives you attention. You deserve to have a normal healthy relationship like anyone else.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread