Killdozer go brrr

Yeah, not really a good comparison going on, here.

The people who stormed the capitol were a bunch of Neo-Nazi cultists and bogus-conspiracy-theory whackjobs who waged an armed insurrection against the United States government in an attempt to overthrow the results of a free and fair democratic election; committing treason at the behest of a dumb, fat orange fascist.

The people who broke a Hedge Fund by buying and sitting on GameStop stock, creating an artificial scarcity and drastically driving its value up were exercising their right to participate in the free market in a legally upstanding fashion; giving bloated Wall Street tycoons a taste of their own medicine because of memes.

The tycoon-ownwd media outlets are already working on ways to vilify the WSB Redditors; let's not make their job easier by listing the doings of innocuous underdog stock-traders alongside those of rabid, racist seditionists.

/r/memes Thread Link -