Is the killer(white) justified in this situation or do you side with the survivor(black)?

Alright, let's be real here, all you're doing is shoving now "Killer bias" down my throat.

First off I have to say I have like 250+hrs on Killer vs 100+hrs on survivor, if anything I have a Killer bias because the game is so god damn easy for Killer right now.

Second off, I have to remind you that this situation we are talking about IS ACTUALLY A 1v1 SITUATION, so don't give me that "team game" bullshit when it doesn't matter in this case outside of the fact the hatch has been powered at least.

And finally, no shit the Killer already won when the game is down to a 1v1, but that doesn't mean that the Killer should get a freebie pass to exploit a system that is actually getting patched because it's clearly flawed and unfair as it undermines all the work to get to that point.

But hey, if you're going to say pickup/drop abusing is fine, then infinite-juke abusing is completely fine. If exploiting the game's system to gain unfair advantages is what you enjoy, by all means man. I personally prefer playing fair and playing more like a Dungeon Master as Killer because Killer is OP, Killer is meant to be OP. It's more fun when in a stomp of a game you present yourself with more challenges and take risks, and if you'd rather get a free ride, then you've lost sight of what playing games is all about.

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