Kin Will Be the Most-Used Cryptocurrency in the World

People can't be bothered to go out of their way. People are busy. If they're on their phones, they don't want to do work. They're using their favorite apps and going about their routine of checking news, or interacting with friends. So integrating Kin in a completely natural way is crucial to its success. If cryptocurrency is go to mainstream, it needs to be easily accessible. I didn't want to make the article about BAT, but it's such a perfect example to highlight the differences between what I believe to be a successful model, in this case Kin, and what I find to be frustrating for the average user.

Kin puts it in your face. It becomes the app. You use the app normally, and it incentivizes you to do the things you like to do and earn rewards for it. It's a win-win. No messing with settings and preferences and activating and pressing all kinds of buttons. You just click the Kin icon. Boom. You're there.

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