Kingdom :: Chapter 714 :: Sense-Scans

Look, I understand what some of yall are saying. Yes, it could be implied how Zhao managed to muster that many people for this battle- forced conscription, more ppl joined because of what Kanki did,etc. And yes blocking out the information is indeed no small feat to pull off.

But man, it just feel…not satisfying at all narrative wise. We have been waiting for a while to have Riboku back on the field, with what seems at first like a disadvantage to his side.

Think back to the end of Gyou arc- he got put in jail, get rescued but many of his followers died and then got exiled. When he got called back, wouldn’t it be more satisfying to see how he dealt with stuff like being limited on resources e.g the new king gives him less soldiers because he doesn’t trust him. Let we finally see how THE RIBOKU will fight when he is back against the wall, give us his Sai moment. Instead you just gives him like double the amount of soldiers, more monster level generals and put him at an advantage again.

The battle could still turn out to be good, but man I just can’t help but feels like it could be so much more

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