the KJV only worldview, typical of baptists or a worldview where all you need is the bible, is absurd.

Again are you arguing that there is no interpretation involved in translation? Since there is no version of the Bible that is completely word for word how do you suppose translators make the decision to translate a verse in a particular way? You affirmed early that yes there is interpretation involved in translation, so I don’t see what point your are trying to argue. Yes there are verses that are translated word for word, but even the decision to do that involves interpretation. Here I’ll show you what it says in the article again.

  1. “Word-for-word” is a goal to be aimed at, not completely achieved. Because no two languages are exact 1:1 matches to each other, it’s not possible to create a 100% word-for-word translation (certainly not one that is comprehensible). While translators may try to be as “literal” as possible, they must inevitably make many interpretive decisions, sometimes choosing the best of several unsatisfactory options. And it’s not possible to completely remove fallible human interpretation from the mix—even the decision to translate a Bible word-to-word is an interpretive act! Nonetheless, a word-for-word translation tries to keep translation compromises to a minimum.
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