I knew the cashier didn’t scan a $60.00 item and I said nothing to her.

That's actually a pretty shitty situation to just take the money. Usually in cashier jobs, you get a till with float at the beginning of your shift that you are responsible for and they count it when you clock out. These policies exist to deter cashier theft. At the end of his shift, that guy's till was off by like $40 (the $25 you didn't pay plus the $15 "change" he gave you). He could have lost his job for that. I've worked places that just write you up if you're off by $5 or more and after 3 of those, you're fired. I've also worked places that would fire you the first time it was off $40 or more. So that's pretty uncool. Even if he didn't get fired, that was definitely a big problem for him.

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