Is it known for an adult to start to struggle with things they used to cope with/manage fine?

Thanks for your reply and for asking what’s going on.

Although I’ve always had struggles, I used to be fairly independent. I used to be able to live alone, volunteer, work part-time, manage bills, manage errands.

For a while now I can’t seem to manage the basics. I’m not depressed, because I am happy but I’m finding an increase in struggling with what I call the basics.

I used to be able to manage several tasks in one day and now I struggle with just getting some food in.

The other day I met a friend for coffee, came back and cried because it was all too much.

Now, it’s an achievement if I can just manage to eat in the day or to go food shopping or to meet with a friend once a week when I used to be able to go out several times a week.

I am currently getting support, I just wanted to know if it’s known.

I don’t know if it’s an anxiety thing or an autistic thing or both clashing


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