KOMO's Jonathon Choe is now accosting tourists on the street to ask "Why aren't you scared of all the crime?"

Taking into consideration the woman who got brained with a baseball bat out of the blue for just BEING on the sidewalk, Or the tourist that got head stomped for $30 over on the other side of town last summer, or the any number of assaults that go unreported, I would say it's kinda fair to warn tourists, and start locking these motherfuckers up. They don't know how to behave. There was that story about the one guy who had so many arrests it just turned into a running joke. He knew it, and knew they wouldn't do anything about it. He ended up living right next to the police station. Ultimately we got rid of him, well he self-destructed, and was found in a tub of bleach water. Unfortunately, we failed the woman who he MURDERED, but oh well. Didn't that bat guy have 13 recent arrests as well?

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