Korean Google

Those who live under the rule of the CCP (aka, not Hong Kong or Taiwan) is what I'm talking about.

Also, this is what I mean:

2 Americans conduct a project to preserve dialects, the comment section is all about how they're spies hired by the CIA

Russia annexes Crimea, Chinese respond by saying all of Mongolia belongs to China and that Russia stole it from China and must be destroyed

People freaking out because they claim the Pinnacle/Diaoyu/Senkaku islands are indisputable, inherent, sacred, integral Chinese territory since ancient times {ignoring anything that says contrary as foreign propaganda to weaken China, which they believe the whole world wants to destroy because they're jealous of the Heavenly Kingdom, yes, they actually call themselves that}

More protests over rocks

Destroying innocent people's cars because they were bought from Satan Japan

RIP in peace car

They also claim the entire South China Sea as inherent territory (aka indisputable) territory of which they're already partway there (they have many soldiers and artificial cities made from scratch). And let's not mention they also claim an entire Indian state as there's and that the entire Western region is inhabited by culturally non-Chinese natives who can't speak freely lest they disappear.

Sorry for taking to much, East Asian geopolitics is kind of my specialty/area of study. It may seem somewhat exaggerated, but I swear I'm using the exact same language they use, they do call it indisputable and inherent and blame foreigners for wanting to destroy China. Also, they are building up their military fast and I fear a war might break out over a bunch of stupid rocks. I mean, they name schools after those damn rocks just to emphasize how inherent it is. The Chinese version of Google Maps regularly had this thing where you can take a panoramic tour over the motherfucking rocks. On the main news sites, there is always a post about how glorious PLA soldiers defend China's territorial integrity in the ocean out in the West.

Also, people tend to forget mainland China is communist, aka Authoritarian. That means the children only learn the historically inaccurate but conveniently revisionist version of history. For example, This is the size of the Tang Dynasty based on historical documents and this is what they teach and yes, it is used to justify territorial acquisitions.

Oh, I I forgot the most important one of all: Taiwan!! I little bit of history, long ago, Japan took over Taiwan in the late 1800s. On the mainland, the Kuomintang (KMT) overthrew the Emperor system and became the new government of China, the Republic of China (ROC). Japan lost WWII, Taiwan was given to the ROC (the people of Taiwan are ethnically Chinese) but then the KMT lost the mainland to the communist only a few years later. They retreated to Taiwan and remain there to this day. So today there are 2 governments that claim to be the 1 true government of China with countries of the word only recognizing 1, and most recognize the one that controls the mainland not just 1 island. So the ROC, and it's 20+ M inhabitants, are unrecognized by basically the whole world. Also, here is the zinger, the Communist government is solemnly vowed to retake Taiwan by force necessary. Right now they can't but in a few decades, they might just do it. I've heard Chinese people say they don't care if the salt the whole island, and rain hellfire (nukes) on it. TAIWAN IS OURS, IT BELONGS TO US!!!!! and swore they still drop everything (school, jobs) and pick up arms just fit this goal. Also, most Taiwanese don't consider themselves Chinese but their own nation, since nearly a century of separation, entirely different economic/political/education/government/military/religious/linguistic institutions (rich capitalist liberal democracy vs impoverished authoritarian communism) does that to you.


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