[Korean > English] Lyrics translation

Hello, some questions :)

창가에 불어오는 가을바람은 The autumn wind blows from the window

Can I say "Through the window blows the wind" or does it sound too pretentious? Since I kind of like keeping the Korean order and see this chance to keep it lol

보고싶지만 가까이 갈 수 없어 I want to see it but I can't get any closer

"I want to see it" as in "I want to see the sky at dawn"? Can this mean "I want to see you but I can't get any closer" instead?

외로웠었던 나의 메마른 그 두눈에 크고 따뜻한 사랑을 주었던 You who give your big warm love to my lonely and parched eyes

Can I say this as: "You who show my lonely and parched eyes big warm love" ? Or even "You who bring warmth and love into my lonely and barren world" ? Actually I'm not sure what it really means.

그대만을 사랑하는 걸 잊을 수는 없지만 I'll never forget loving you, but

Does the 만 in 그대만을 means "you only" ? If so can I say "I'll never forget loving you and only you" ?

My Korean reading capacity is done for today but I'd like to ask about the rest tomorrow.

Thank you for your help :)

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