Do Korean parents not encourage independence in their children?

Kids are definitely coddled in Korea by contrast to America. However, it's really all for the sake of raising an ultra elite child. I think there is a fundamental flaw in the upbringing though. You can't just breed children in a draconian, pampered, structured way like they do and expect an Ivy League graduate etc.

By contrast I grew up with the fuck all parent who didn't invest too much into me. However, America is great because if you are willing to work hard and seek out knowledge you can obtain it for relatively cheap to start off anyways.

Raising a child to become an elite is literally an art form imo, my sister and I are both "successful" by Korean standards. We surpassed the average Koreans dreams of what they would want for their child (Ivy League, double doctors, engineers, salary etc). However, most of it tbh was our single mom's emphasis on the importance of education, but also self realization. Once we realized that is sucks to be live in poverty, and that this was very much what we would live like for the rest of our lives if we didn't change, led us to push ourselves harder than any parent could to obtain the American dream. However, I wouldn't recommend this to most people because it's definitely damaging, and not something most people could handle.

/r/korea Thread