They didn't even do that though.
Riley MacLeod -> ShiryuGN 9/04/20 6:52pm Hi all, I’m the editor on this piece. Thanks for flagging this (it’s a nice thing about having comments!). While the mine clearly doesn’t appear in the writer’s game, as evidenced by the screenshot included in the piece, we crosschecked it on another staffer’s machine and are working on updating the piece accordingly.
Will Partin -> ShiryuGN 9/04/20 7:18pm Hey ShiryuGN — I’m the author of the piece. I checked for the Mine a few times over the course of a few days, but looks like I had it wrong. So mea culpa — the mistake is mine. I’m honestly not sure what happened, but I’m grateful that you pointed this error out. The piece has been updated accordingly. Thanks for reading
ShiryuGN -> Will Partin 9/04/20 9:00pm I will tell you what happened. From Bugalaga airstrip you should have plotted a 126 degrees course to the mine, east-south-east. You went off-course by 30 degrees, precisely on a 156 degrees course, or south-south-east. I actually found the location portrayed in your screenshot, as you can see below. Is several miles to the west of the mine.
Admitting the mistake would have been "Sorry, our reviewer is a moron." They just went with "Oh, it was wrong in his copy."