KotL 1.6k mmr jukes

The reason its hard to make your point without seeming like a brag is because there isn't a point, apart from bragging, for sharing your apm and how your so good that you are featured on dotabuff

My reasoning for why it was unnecessary. As in, bragging for no reason. Not sure if you just read the first line and started to reply, but its all there for why I'm saying you don't have a good reason to bring it up.

Your point was to see if that was a good APM? Not sure what you were thinking, because you answered your own question in that very same comment. You pointed out that in dota APM is not really useful because of all the pointless spam clicking to reposition your hero 50 units. So why would you still ask if your apm is good or not, when you made the original argument for why APM doesn't matter?

Also I've never heard of people questioning how apm is measured. In this comment chain not a single person is asking or challenging anyone else on how the measurement was done. If you really cared that much about authenticity and proving that you didn't just make up a random apm and really did measure it, you would have just linked the dotabuff page or screenshotted it. A personal story about how good you are doesn't contribute to legitimacy or measurement accuracy at all, which you claim is the reason you shared the dotabuff stuff.

Lastly calm down for Christ sake. You get called out on the internet for bragging and half of your reply is repeating that im a shitlord. If u actually read my response first, I addressed why I called you out and even give u credit on your last paragraph since it actually was relevant/important. I seriously doubt u read any of it apart from the first line and flew into a rage.

/r/DotA2 Thread Parent Link - gfycat.com