Kpop idol names

I'm not saying they did it out of spite, I'm saying they did it as a result of thinking they were superior. That can still be seen every day in how Americans butcher words from other languages. And they are not the only ones guilty of that. I live in Belgium and very few people put the effort in to pronounce English or French correctly. Same goes for the French, the Germans, etc. The Koreans too. They have an alphabet that is more limited that the Roman one. So instead of trying to learn the other language, they transpose it onto their own system and make a mess of it. That mess then propagates to people who don't know better and soon enough everyone is saying it incorrectly. There are plenty of people who do do it correctly, but the lowest common denominator tends to spread.

I strongly believe that if you are going to engage in a foreign language, you should put the effort in to do it correctly or at least as correct as you are physically able to (eg. as much as I try, I am unable to do the French R and it just sounds like I'm choking).

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