Do you think KSP2 console version is being developed with next generation consoles in mind for the best optomozation on those platforms?

Opposite actually lol. My original post was worded poorly.

My fear is they are developing the console versions for current consoles, and when it comes to the next generation of consoles the game won't fully utilize the new console's capabilities because they developed and optimized it with tools and hardware for xbox one/ps4.

I remember this being a problem when the xbox one first came out and they were still releasing xbox 360 games. You had one of two situations happen there...

1) a game was coming out on xbox 360 and xbox one, but it was made and optimized for 360. when the game came out the xbox one version wasn't any beefier than the 360 version despite having the capability of being better.

Or 2) a game was coming out on both xbox one and 360, but it was made for xbox one and it was dumbed down for 360. This allowed for future proofing and a smoother experience because the game was made to run best on next gen xbox one.

Preferably both xbox one and next gen versions are well optomized for their consoles, but if one of them needs to be sacrificed to save time and money I much prefer option 2, like i said, it is future proofing. if KSP2 is going to come out on xbox one and next gen consoles, i don't want the fact that it's made specifically with xbox one optomization in mind holding back the next gen version.

I see headlines like this and that is what makes me wonder if KSP2 on next gen will be developed now with the future technolgy in mind.

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