Kudos to all those cool people! and this beautiful strong bride❤️

Man, wow. 17 years..

Your story made me think about the "what ifs".

Just like you, my wife and I are the "power couple".

In our year 7, we had a bad breakup. My life was a mess at that time so our lives are going in different directions and we just ended it without proper closure.

I thought then and there I'd be single for maybe at least 5 years because it'll be hard to love someone again after that.

We meet up again after a year of zero communication. And I guess we got overwhelmed with emotions and just decided to get married.

She literally said to me after she walked down the aisle that she was crying not because she was overwhelmed with happiness but because she's having cold feet.

That was also 7 years ago. We're happily married now. We constantly tell that story to people telling us that our relationship is "perfect" being the "power couple"; when in fact we've lots of ups and downs and made tons of effort with each other.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it