The Kurds Are Fighting Islamic State, So Why Isn’t America Helping Them?

Well, America is to some considerable degree helping the Kurds in Iraq, where they have an established autonomous region. Those Kurds in Oraq, however, suffer from what you can read in this excellent Carnegie Paper Kurdistan's Politicized Society Confronts a Sultanistic System. Probably the best thing America can do there is put pressure on Sultan Barzani for modernising reforms.

More interesting are the Kurds in Syria, where the transnational progressive Kurdish movement KCK dominates with their philosophy of "democratic confederalism". They have constituted a Rojava and North Syria Federation, to be a model for a future federal, secular, democratic, rule-of-law Syria (and Mr Erdogan hates them for it, because they stand for exactly the values he holds in contempt). I recommend this excellent recent report A revolution for our times: Rojava, Northern Syria. Here is a readworthy discussion Will Syrian Kurdish self-rule succeed?.

Travelling in Rojava is to witness a revolution experimenting with a form of stateless, direct democracy with women’s liberation, race and class equality at the heart of it.

What America should in fact do ias giving more diplomatic recognition to the Rojava and North Syria Federation and their YPG defence forces. Even out of self-interest in a stable and seculat future Syria. Europe is increasingly doing this, this Sunday an official diplomatic representation office was opened in Prague, Czech Republic (article, article, pictures, pictures).

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