L698 Normal Antenna Configuration Confirmed

Right. I understand that Dr. Korrell's testimony has been read with contrasting perceptions. I was hoping /u/Gdyoung1 was willing to point to exactly what he/she was referring to when stating the following about that testimony:

  • "said the exact opposite" in regard to the claim that MEs who've reviewed the autopsy report and photos and concluded the lividity is inconsistent with a burial, body on its side, in less than 5 hours.
  • "pretty much exactly what she said" when asked to cite the testimony that asserts the autopsy findings were consistent with a 7-8 pm burial, <5 hours post mortem, in the position the body was found
  • and "she clearly states that the lividity is not inconsistent with the burial" when I'm asking for specific testimony that states the ME confirms the body's position upon discovery supports the prosecution's theory that she was buried less than 5 hours after death

All I've read is Korrell testifying that a lot of scenarios are possible, though not that frontal lividity would be able to fix if the body was kept on its side after death. I also know that Dr. Korrell was not present at the burial site when the body was disinterred, and it is not clear if the photos taken at that time were presented to her or if the photos included those that would have allowed her to draw conclusions on if the body was in a position that could be consistent with the lividity findings and/or proposed time of burial post-death.

Dr. Korrell was never asked the question specifically about how long lividity takes to fix, so I don't see how her testimony clearly states exactly the opposite of anything that has come from subsequent MEs who've reviewed the files and said the lividity findings would not be consistent with the body being buried on its side less than 5 hours post mortem.

/r/serialpodcast Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com