Labour joins 9/11 survivors in demanding Theresa May release suppressed Saudi Arabia terrorism report

The CIA tested LSD on unsuspecting American citizens in the 60s via MKULTRA, infected unsuspecting citizens and soldiers with all manner of biological agents as test subjects and repeatedly overthrew foreign democratically elected governments to install and support US-aligned dictatorships resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents throughout the 20th century, Iraq was invaded on seriously overblown and outright false 'evidence', and the PATRIOT act was conveniently all written and ready to ram through shortly after 9/11 happened. Have you ever read the mission statements or anything out of the Project for a New American Century? That the propaganda and marketing techniques we're familiar with from WW2 etc haven't been modernized to manipulate us every day of our lives? Business leaders attempted to stage a coup of the United States to install a fascist government back in the mid 30s. It's a giant game of Civ. You have way too much patriotism on the brain to think that the folks in the upper echelons of power would be more loyal to their countries than to money, power, and themselves\their friends "If this was a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier ... just as long as I am the dictator." -GWB

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