Labour MP wants to ban private chat groups which spread "hate, racism and fake news"

They just keep on tightening the screws don't they?

Douglas Murray has a great bit on the way that British politicians prefer to go after the secondary effects of problems rather than the problems themselves; don't arrest the Muslim gangs raping English children, arrest the people who talk about them, don't reduce mass immigration because the public overwhelmingly don't want it, just call them racist and prosecute those who complain the loudest.

We were always told hate speech laws were about protecting minorities from feeling threatened an intimidated as they went about their lives, but this is going after people saying things that those groups will never hear. It proves that the purpose of these laws is not to spare feelings, but to prevent the possibility of organised resistance to the agenda our elites have been pushing since shortly after the second world war.

This is a direct attack on freedom of association, which is supposedly a fundamental right under the ECHR (although the ECHR is full of so many caveats and provisos that I'm sure it couldn't stop this bill)

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