The lack of appreciation for EVO

You're paying $12 for a yearly subscription to EVO, the biggest fighting game tournament in the world rivaling tournaments like MLG or large league tournaments.

erm, it's $12 for 3 days really, and if you're a Smasher it's not even that. for me, living in the UK, it is in no way worth the money as in reality it's a few hours of video in the middle of the night, and i also don't have any interest in helping Mr Wizard send his friends to college to study game design either.

also, so you know, this has happened in other esports communities, and the fans did complain about it a huge amount, to the point some streams stopped being profitable as a result, but i don't blame you for not knowing that.

But people keep forgetting, this isn't e-sports. The FGC stands for fighting game community.

erm, what do you think esports means? is it only FPS, MOBA and so on in your mind? for the majority it means competitive computer games, which Evo very much is, so i have no idea how you can say it's not esports. shit, EVO is even listed in the wiki entry for esports.

overall, there is a lot wrong with your post, and a lot of misinformation too. SC tournaments aren't swimming in money, and Evo is sporting a great big 'Nintendo' badge on their stream too, so your point about sponsors falls over. i mean, the bit below actually contradicts itself. you think we're awful, one of the most bitter etc...but don't want us to turn into...?

but have developed one of the most vitriolic, bitter communities I've ever been apart of. I would hate to see us turn into some of the other gaming communities out there.

anyway, i've typed too much for this post. if people want to complain that is their right, if you want to complain about them complaining that's your right, but most of the points you've made are...not right.

/r/smashbros Thread