the lack of empathy this sub is showing in regards to Roe V Wade is making question whether you really want equality.

a life saving procedure is taken away from half the population

No it hasn't, don't frame abortion as life saving. If a woman's life is in danger from childbirth the doctors will abort. Ridiculous hyperbole.

people's rights have been ripped away from them

There was no constitutional right to abortion, more hyperbole. Calm down

For 10 years I have been fighting for men's rights and today is the first day I have ever questioned it.

You are so obviously a disingenuous hypocrite that I ran your history through an online database. You've been on reddit since nov 2018 and during that time you've made 17 comments here, your first was only 10 months ago and this is your only post here.

Out of your 7 comments you have made on TwoXChromosomes you referred to yourself as a feminist 4 months ago. And in this sub you have described yourself as "a left feminist man" 8 months ago.

This is your full post here so that others can see it should you decide to delete it

the lack of empathy this sub is showing in regards to Roe V Wade is making question whether you really want equality.

We should be fighting for rights and supporting each other not cheering when half the population has their rights to a life saving procedure is taken away from them. We have issues that are unique to men but people with two x chromosomes have issues they face as well. How can we expect any one to give a shit about the issues we face if we can't even show a little empathy now that people's rights have been ripped away from them and others have now been put on the chopping block?

For 10 years I have been fighting for men's rights and today is the first day I have ever questioned it.

I give up on the United States of America.

/r/MensRights Thread